Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Greater Treasure Than This?

I was talking to the team members from DC about some of the Biblical references that our organization is built on. One of those verses is found in the New Testament book of James, chapter on and verse twenty seven. It tells us what "True and undefiled religion" is... to take care of (visit) widows and orphans and widows in their distress and keep ourselves uncorrupted by the world. True and undefiled religion.... this is something special. It is the church being the church. It is a cornerstone to our philosophy as an organization. What good are unspoken words of hope or consideration without fruition or action. All the sentiments in the world do not amount to a grain of rice, or a truly encouraged heart. There is always the act of faith which connects the sentiment to the power source. Changed lives are the result.

We visited the orphanage again today. I again looked for my baby - Widmia. She was nowhere to be found until one of the older girls, who knew I was partial to her, found her under a bench in the dirt again. She is always alone. She doesn't allow many people to hold her... she bucks and cries when some of the other team members tried to hold her. She was placed near me and I called to her. She looked at me with her usual unaffected stare, but when I asked her for a kiss on the cheek (the traditional morning greeting... "Bumwe bah!" she turned to me and kissed my cheek. The first kiss from this cute little girl. She held onto me again today. We sat and talked for awhile... well I talked to her and she sat there staring out, though relaxing in my arms.

She has long eyelashes and dainty little hands. I hold out my palms and she holds my hands for as long as I hold them palm up. I wonder if she realizes that I am becoming attached to her?

It seems that each person on our DC team have one or two children who seem to gravitate towards them. They are truly servants of God. They are considerate and sensitive to the Haitian culture.

I can't stay awake any longer : )

Have a good Sunday,


p.s. too sleepy to edit tonight, sorry