Dear Friend,
You may be sitting at your computer reading this update and like many other updates, think that someone else will do something to help us. you enjoy the updates, but perhaps you feel like you are too busy to do anything to help... not so. Everyone can/should do something. Please take a moment and read today's special message to you!

You represent a group of several hundred friends who have been with us through the various years of ministry. Shane and Kristie are taking their family to Haiti in July. In the meantime Shane has been traveling back and forth between Port-Au-Prince and Oregon. We are a at a crossroads and we need the help of the people who are with us. I hate to even mention this, but it is a fact. Without funds, we are not able to continue to do what we do.... I mean, we do things on the cheap, but cheap still takes money.

Now is the time to do something for Mercy League! Please take a moment to dedicate something towards our program. Shane and Kristie are in need of personal support for a two to three year window until their sustainable project gets off the ground. Mercy League is in a small financial crisis and is in need of immediate assistance... A little goes a long way in an organization like ours.
Mercy League generally does not hold fund-raising campaigns, but there are times when it is appropriate to do so. The crisis in Haiti has left our general fund in a poor state of affairs. Please help today by using the donate button on the blogsite: or go to the website:
If you can see this donate button you can also click here:
You can also send a check to:
Mercy League International
P.O. Box 86
Drain, OR 97435
All donations are tax deductible : )
Shane will be back from Haiti at the end of April. When he returns he plans to hold as many events and speaking engagements about the new program in Haiti as possible. Please contact him via his email: and schedule him to come to speak to a group of friends in your living room, church, or other group. He will come to you if he can!
Please respond to this with a note to Shane and tell him that you are on-board!