April 17, 2008
Dear Friends and Family,
Today we travelled to the home of Angel and Jose to transport them to the Hospital in Santiago, an hour away by car. Their father, aunt and four siblings accompanied us. It was a great day today because we were able to initiate treatment for the two boys, weekly basis. We went in with them in the hospital (no photos were allowed in the hospital for good reason) and their father hugged me charged with emotion. The other great news was that the burn clinic, “Voluntariando Jesus Con Los Ninos,” is treating the children for free. We are paying for their transportation and medicines, thanks to our Friends at Vernon Alliance Church in Vernon, BC, Canada.
It gives me great satisfaction to make a difference in the lives of people. Angel cannot turn his head without turning his whole body, yet he tries to help his sister put their youngest brother’s shoes on. Jose would likely have died without our help. Today we made a difference for these little ones. Those of you who attend church should be proud that we still have churches who act on a moment’s notice so do what were first called to do more than 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ told the parable of the Good
Samaritan who helped the man beaten and left for dead on the road. Christians are called to make a difference. Furthermore… what if all we had done… was pray, give a blessing upon the home and leave? I put my hand on little Jose while he was sleeping that first day and prayed earnestly that the Lord would heal him at that moment. I believed, but alas, perhaps I also have much doubt in me because when were finished praying I saw that the boys were still burned badly. As Christians is it appropriate that we show our love and care for people with more than fancy prayers and well wishing. It isn’t even enough to simply send money… We have to love and care, and take action.
Today we were able to do all of those things… I only wish you could have been here to carry the children to the hospital beside me. We all do what we can… when we can.
I have much more to tell about our first day of official occupancy for our own children’s home, but that can wait until another day. Good things are happening my friends… Thanks for your prayers,
p.s. Sorry about the lack of video... I spend about 2 hours making a video online only to have it crash on me... again... I will keep trying in the coming days...