Thursday, April 3, 2008

Making Hay When the Sun Shines!

Yes, its the old saying that I used to hear from the farmers and ranchers in Canada. If it was a wet summer then time was of the essence when the sun was shining.

I see my whole life that way.

I have a friend named Dan Snyder. He was a Doctor in Haiti, but now lives in Michigan (Hi Dan and Dee-Anne). Dan is the kind of guy who
lives deliberately. What do I mean by that? Well... He makes decisions about life based on faith and wisdom rather than letting life dictate to him. He is an example to me because he works very hard at his calling but never forgets his family. He's taught me not to take life as it comes, but make life what I am called to make it... About God, family and calling. He always plans out his life to make sure there is balance.

We don't have enough time, money or energy to do the things that we dream about because we let life force us into ruts. If you want to live out a purpose you have to live deliberately, plan for it, and take a leap of faith.

What if you started making different decisions about your time, money and energy? You could follow your dreams too. --you might be thinking... I feel like doing something but I don't know what? Don't worry about that, start living differently, even in small ways, and prepare like you are saving for a long trip... The calling/vision will find you!--

I spend the day with the fine people at the Refugee and Immigrations Services in West Palm Beach, a division of Catholic Charities. The director of the program is Anne Marie Alexandre, who lets me help out whenever I am in Florida. I make myself available to do anything that can help them accomplish their good work.

I am pictured with Ann Marie and Ernest Duval, a pastor as well, in the office photo and again with Claudie Eloi, a great worker for people in need.

I'd better go for now...