It was the middle of the afternoon and I was back from a meeting in San Marco. There were reports from my sources for plants/trees and the cost of beds. The plants and trees were not found and the bunk-beds were more than $200 each but didn’t include mattresses. It was day 4 here and nothing to show for my efforts. On top of that… The support raising aspect of the cause…. Both personal and project was not coming together. I sat at the table and played with my food as I pondered these things.
Finally I decided that I was going to go and find something worthwhile to do if nothing else was coming together for me at the moment. I was frustrated as I ironed my clothes (I was in my work clothes earlier) and readied myself for a trek into one of the little Haitian villages/bateys near Puerto Plata…. … Then I looked out the front door and noticed a young man standing on the front porch. He was Haitian, and in his late teens.
I went out to see what he wanted and he indicated to me that he came to the DR illegally to find work. Both parents were dead, his mother in 2001 and his father in 2005. He was thin and had that look of desperation about him. After we talked for a few minutes he asked me if I had any food. I brought him some food (cookies and water… that’s all I had). He seemed lost and alone.
He was there to work that day, though he said he didn’t have a regular job… He left with a new set of clothes and more than a week’s pay in his pocket. (600 pesos) I will see him again tomorrow. It made my day worthwhile. I know it is just a band-aid for a larger issue, but at least we were able to do something for the short term.
Living alone in a hostile country would be difficult at the best of times, but for some reason in my moment of frustration about the children’s home, a teen-aged orphan showed up on my doorstep. God gave me a chance to do something worthwhile as I wait on the Lord to supply our needs.
By the way, his name was Johnny.
I have many stories to tell you, but I don’t want to abuse your time… so… keep talking to people about our sustainable children’s home… yes you… reading this blog. Please do not think that someone else will do something about these suffering people. Each of us can make a difference by even connecting one person to our cause! I have been getting very little response to my cries for help for our cause as of late. (part of the reason for my frustration…)
Map of North Coast

~~We did not form Mercy League to rest on the abilities of one person (especially not me), but the talents of many… united for a common purpose… thus the name: Mercy (caring for people) League (a group/team working together)~~
May the Lord Bless you,; )