"Amen", "Gloria", "Nombre de Cristo",
these words are chanted as a response from congregations we have been blessed to share in worship with throughout the Dominican Republic.
Despite the language difficulty we know for certain we are taking part in "adoracion", worship of our Lord and King "Jesus, Senor y Rey". Last week Gordon and Glen took part in completing a kitchen addition to a Santiago barrio church run by Jose Rodriguez. William Gomez picked them up and drove them to this modest church that is next to a canal where hurricane flood waters had overflowed the banks in December. Reclaimed wood was used for framing and enclosing, nothing is wasted here. Two or three windows were framed in to provide light and ventilation.
these words are chanted as a response from congregations we have been blessed to share in worship with throughout the Dominican Republic.

While this construction took place women from the church were in an other area cooking up a delicious meal of beans, rice and chicken for the malnourished children of the area. This is a practical means for the church to meet the needs of the people, body, soul and spirit. The love felt for Gordon and Glen from the children and workers was seen in the smiles, hugs and the desire to include them in the activities.

A day later our entire family drove up in William's truck to the cloud forest above Santiago. Our destination was Refugio Pinos del Cielo, a Bible Camp set high at the peak of the mountain. Local men had already gathered awaiting the truck with it's load of reclaimed lumber that was to mend the broken rafters of the chapel. The hurricane had literally torn off most of the tin and cracked the timbers. Our family integrated into the lives of the local family serving the Lord in that area and assisted the work. We experienced an element of poverty only seen in magazines or t.v., a real eye-opener for our children. Yet for the local pastor this was a choice, he could live in Santiago, but he chose to stay and minister to the mountain residents at their level. William's sister, Ramona, is the pastor's wife. She told me that she would be my Dominican Mama, I accepted!