My Brother Jamie's life has been pointing at a work in Columbia for many years. He read about the atrocities done to the street children there in the 90s and has always wanted to put action to his convictions by going there and exploring ways that he can help. *** This is what Mercy League is all about*** a. Helping the destitute and hurting of this world, especially children b. Helping people (you) to put action to their convictions about it.
Jamie Mattenley, a man with a heart for God and desire help people, took a month of work so that he could realize a dream of going to Bogotá, Columbia. He picked up and did... That's what you have to do... make a decision, set a date and do it. And he did. I am so proud of him.
(He is still single ladies...)
Here is what he is doing...
I was picked up by a friend of the burghers', cousins of the Dohms’…Through Gord and Mellissa Dohms (In the Dominican Republic at the moment). Then I went to Christine and Estaban’s home my first day - for one day. Since then, I have been staying with an amazing family, Mauricio and Marlene with their children Nico and Santi. They are great people and would not accept anything(monetarily) for the trouble of having me in their home. We have hit it off very well. Roger Seiber was the friend that refered me to these wonderful Columbian families. (check the facebook and you weill see). Roger also gave me a contact to the director of a YWAM base here in Columbia (Steven Bartel an American).
I visited foundacion children’s vision on Wednesday and went to some of their children’s homes. I believe that there were four of them… they were also in the midst of building a school. The people working at the mission were very helpful and encouraging about my involvement in this kind of work in the future… in Bogotá. Angelica, one of the directors, helped gave me a cheerful tour of the whole project. There is much love in this place. Furthermore, Rich gave me a full tour of the new school that they’re building in the south.

I spent some time with my host family, who are the greatest, when we went to church together. They have a wonderful Church. (lugar de su presencia) You should be able to google all of the places I’ve mentioned so far.
Tuesday I will go with my friend Grant and visit two farms that house street children. On Wednesday I will visit a place called “La Mesa,” which I feel really hopeful about (finding a place to begin/join a work here one day. I was introduced to the director of a project there (Martin by-chance at a birthday party-through my friend (very special person) Martha-whom I met through the internet last year… Do you see how this is working!?! Thursday I will volunteer at foundacion children vision and then off to Barranquilla for 8 days, to visit more organizations and projects.
If you would like to make a donation to his journey... click the "donate" button and make sure you designate it to "Jamie". He will be able to access it in Columbia within a day or two.
Blessings to you all,