Doing what is in your heart... It's "stopping to smell the roses" with resolve. I just finished my last official Sunday two days ago... I have decided to do what makes real sense to me. Yes it is scary to buck the status-quot and take that step into the unknown but... reason is not always truth.
You have to get crazy to stay sane sometimes... and here I am. This is the first day of the rest of my life...
What is all this about? Kristie and I have decided to go for it and have me work for Mercy League full time. This is an interesting decisions being that Mercy League doesn't have any means of financially supporting me in the slightest. (Why should that stop me?)
If you have any ideas/suggestions please send them my way.
Onward and upward,
Well Shane! A new adventure, eh? The picture on the blog is certainly a good one for the time you are facing.
May you continue to be well guided in the direction you should go. May your toe holds be solid. Our best to you, Kristie and the kids.
Lloyd Strickland, Clearwater, B.C.
shane, we never did catch up. i tried calling you hopfully before you left. i also wish the very best for you and you the kids and christi. i hope that i can be apart of this project soon keep in touch my email is
be blessed Jimmy
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