I met a little lady named Terri from Nova Scotia on the beach today. She was talking with one of the members of our group when she sat next to me on one of the chairs and began to tell me about the 3 young children that were with her that day.
There were three children with her aged 7, 10 and 12. Their mother was terminal with cancer in Puerto Plata and there was no father in the picture as all three had different fathers. Teri´s greatest fear was that the children would be left to the kind of life the North Coast of the Dominican Republic has to offer.
Just like the young girl that is sitting about 6 feet away from me. late teens to early twenties, she is sitting a a bar with a German man perhaps three times her age. There is no misunderstanding their relationship.
I see it all over. Sex sells here. It uses up young boys and girls and throws them away in every imaginable way. I watched lyesterday as three young girls waled across the road in front of our car. Swaying their hips as the went... something that young girls don´t do in the part of the country most of us live in.
I think of my children and thank God that I am able to protect them from the harsh reality that these young people face in Puerto Plata. My hope is that our children´s home will help.

Today was spent in the village of Assention, which is a poor village mostly inhabited by Haitians. There is a school, fair trade factory, wood shop and several other amenities for the people of the area.
We had a full day that included looking at an amazing abandoned Hotel that is for sale for a fraction of the price land costs here.
Keep us in your prayers...