It has been a long journey towards this sustainable childrens home in the Dominican Republic. There is a reason that people begin with child sponsorship... it's easier, and faster. Sustainability is an uphill battle because it calls for a reversal in the traditional thinking on behalf of the national representatives in the host country, and our N.A. fix it mentality. They are used to a system by which they are paid for their time and efforts, and we are used to being in "control." It seems that we in Canada, Europe, and the US can volunteer our time, but we shouldn't ask the "poor people" to do the same.
This has contributed to a culture tends to look to outsiders to solve problems. I believe that Dominicans, Haitians, Africans, and all other "ians" should take charge of their own people and let us facilitate their passion for their suffering and hurting brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. Who knows better what their country needs than those who are citizens of that country.
So... the state of the Mercy League Dominican Rep. Union-as it were-is: We have a "Mercy League Dominican Republic" registered non-profit, which includes a national board, a childrens home sub committee, several churches, a retreat center in the mountains, a guest house (in the works), a feeding program, a leased property with a garden, fruit trees, and a year round stream, a childrens home, volunteer staff, and no budget to speak of.
How do we do it? We do this through partnerships, limiting salaries, donations from those who believe in our way of keeping Dominicans responsible for their own people. In other words, we help them help their people... not the other way around. If we solve too many of their problems, they won't have to rely on each other, of their faith in God. When you keep your budget at nearly zero, ideas and partnerships are necessity. Any donations received go further, and the expectations do not rest solely on the organization (us).
Alex and Elizabeth are currently looking for children for the Childrens home. They are wondering if they need to make it legal, or whether we can make this a simple, unofficial, private agreement between the extended families of the children and the local churches. If we want to be legal, we will need to raise about $1000 US for the costs involved in the legal fees etc... I have indicated that we can only do this if the local churches agree to oversee and contribute to the program in greater ways. They must not simply ring a bell and have us come to the rescue. We need them to donate to the project as well.
On another note... Do you remember the last year when we were doing repairs on the childrens home and stopped to address a problem with some children who were badly burned? Well I asked for an update on the children and here it is... They are doing well, healed and back to normal. Their home has turned into a quasi-orphanage because their mother died a few years ago, and now family and friends are helping out to care for these and other children. Alex (Angel in Spanish) is our man on the ground there, and he checked in on them the other day. Take a look!
Check out the original post
Jose May 2008
Jose... Still with the sad face : (
Angel May 2008
Angel March 2009
We are excitedly awaiting news about our first children in our childrens home.
On another note. If you would ever like to investigate these things close up, I will take you there. If you would like to donate to the cause please send what you feel is appropriate to the address listed on the page here, or use the Paypal Link.
Be well,