Dear friends,
I must apologize for the latency of this blog. I have been in Haiti for a week and have not been able to find a time and place to gain internet access and get this message out.
I love Haiti. I see the faces of each person while I walk in the market full of people. I see their inherent value and feel a renewed call in my life… I cannot explain to you how powerful it feels to be here and experience this connection to the call in my life. Though there is much in Port-au-Prince that lacks the ease and normalcy we experience in our North American/European lives, none the less, there is a connection to the hard realities of life. I forgot how easy it is to greatly impact someone for the better here.
There is more to tell than you may want to read, so I say… Thank you for your prayer – I could feel it last night as I walked alone in the dark up the mountain after a full day in the city.
In His hands,
Shane, for Lonne and Tyler.