The Waiting Game
Well here we are a few weeks removed from my last trip to the Dominican Republic. This is when we begin to let off the gas pedal and get back to regular life, but life goes on for Mercy League in the Dominican Republic.
I called some of our people in the DR and Haiti this week...
Alex and Elizabeth have continued to work on the children's home while Gomercindo and his wife settle in to the children's home. By the sounds of our team in Puerto Plata, the search for abandoned children/babies will begin in June (1 year from the date that we first leased the children's home). We set a goal, last summer, of having children in the home within the year, and it looks like we will make it. (God willing)
On another note... We are discussing ways to fund the children's home so that we do not have to seek donations on an ongoing basis. One of our plans in the works is to refurbish, or build a rental bungalow in the Puerto Plata area, and use it as a timeshare/rental. Another plan is to package and sell coffee, or vanilla extract. (we have been selling , here in Oregon, to raise money for baby cribs)
We are currently seeking people who are willing to live and work in the Dominican Republic on our behalf. If that is you, contact us:
May God bless you,