Dear friends and family,
Thank you for being with me during these days of sojourning. I will be leaving for Florida on April 1st (seriously no April fools) and off to the Dominican Republic a week later.
I have spent some good quality time with my family(we went to San Francisco for spring break) and it is time for me to continue the journey toward helping Dominican and Haitian children. This is a great new development for us. We are in the process of hiring host parents. I will go and meet our prospective candidates and work on the building, grounds, garden and animal pens. I have a lot to do when I am there.
While I am in Florida I will continue to help out with the youth ministry to Haitian young people in West Palm Beach. Steve and Betty Prophete are graciously hosting me during my stay in Florida. They are wonderful examples of people whom have given their lives away for others. We should all be like them.
I would ask that you be willing to talk to people this week about our little Endeavor. We are in need of partners to make things come together. I am heading out and doing what I can, though my hope in all of this is that we will all be sojourners and do what each of us can to help. We can’t all go, or give, but we all know people who believe in us. Take some time this week to pray about what you can do to be a part of something that really matters; suffering children.
Our Original Dream -click to enlarge
